Profit From Our Experience

Our clients profit from BCG’s decades of bank experience in creating successful strategies utilizing our carrier relationships in the New Jersey market. Invite us to show you how you can profit too.

Bankers Cooperative Group, Inc. is proud to be the self-contained brokerage facility for members and associate members of NJBankers.

We are the leading provider

of employee benefit programs and a liability risk broker for New Jersey’s banking industry.

As administrator of the NJBankers sponsored Employee Benefits Trust, BCG can leverage thousands of industry employees and their dependents to negotiate group employee benefit programs and pricing not generally attainable on an individual employer basis.

BCG answers only to you

Organized as a cooperative, BCG is unique among New Jersey insurance brokers in that we answer only to our client shareholders. Our board of directors is comprised of your banking peers who keep your interests front and center.

As shareholders, our clients are eligible to receive annual patronage dividends. Since 1998, BCG has paid out over $3 Million to our shareholders. The more business you do with BCG, the greater your share of future declared patronage dividends will be.

Bankers Cooperative Group, Inc. is a proud supporter of the NJBankers Charitable Foundation and a frequent Platinum Sponsor at NJBankers events.

Our Services

Benefit Programs - Bankers Cooperative Group
hr360 - Bankers Cooperative Group
Benefit Statements- Bankers Cooperative Group
Liability Insurance- Bankers Cooperative Group

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Profit from our experience.

Give us a call at (908) 395-7080, ext. 101, email us at